Jornadas Puertas Abiertas Padel Adaptado Guadalajara

Open Doors Conference Adapted Padel Guadalajara

  We will wait for you !!! Day: Saturday May 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Place: Ciudad de la Raqueta (Guadalajara) Organized by: Luna Guadalajara Association for the Promotion of Women with Disabilities. Collaborates: His Excellency Guadalajara City Council ...
Clinic de Reca-Nerone con alumnos de ASPADO en Guadalajara

Reca-Nerone Clinic with ASPADO students in Guadalajara

The students of the ASPADO school in Guadalajara participated in a clinic with one of the best couples in the world padel, Gaby Reca and Seba Nerone, within the framework of the amateur circuit tournament BMW Padel Grand Tour 2014, held at the facilities of the Padel club ...
XII Curso de Monitor de Pádel Adaptado

XII Adapted Padel Monitor Course

New ASPADO course for adapted paddle tennis monitors. Registration is open for the XII Course for Adapted Padel Monitors that is organized by the Association Pádel para Todos (ASPADO). It will take place from May 16 to 18 at the Sports Center ...
Jornada de puertas abiertas y exhibición en CDE Pádel Tenis Horcajo

Open day and exhibition at CDE Pádel Tenis Horcajo

Last weekend, an open day organized by ASPADO took place at the “CDE Pádel Tenis Horcajo” club in the town of Horcajo de Santiago, with the participation of students from ASPADO and the disability charity association of ...
Exitosa Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de Aspado Andalucía en San Fernando

Successful Open Day of Aspado Andalucía in San Fernando

Last weekend, the ASPADO delegation in Andalusia held a new open day on the covered paddle tennis courts of the + Qpádel club, in the Fadricas industrial estate in the town of San Fernando (Cádiz). A score of kids with disabilities ...
Jornada de puertas abiertas de ASPADO en San Fernando (Cádiz)

ASPADO Open Day in San Fernando (Cádiz)

Next Sunday, March 30, at 11 am, on the padel courts of the Ciudad Deportiva Bahía Sur (San Fernando-Cádiz) a new day of "Open Doors" will take place for people with disabilities who wish to start practicing sports. paddle. The...
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