Exhibición de ASPADO en el WPT Valencia Master

ASPADO exhibition at the WPT Valencia Master

Led by its president, María de la Rocha, a delegation from ASPADO was present at the Estrella Damm Valencia Master, the second tournament of the season of the professional paddle World Padel Tour circuit, of which ASPADO is once again the social cause for the fourth. .
Alumnos y monitores de ASPADO en Jornada de Pádel organizada por ANTARES

ASPADO students and monitors in Padel Day organized by ANTARES

Students and monitors of ASPADO, together with the president of the Association, María de la Rocha, participated this Saturday in the City of the Racket in the "Padel Solidarity Day", organized by the Association of Resources for people with Intellectual Disabilities. .
Torneo solidario de ASPADO en club Brezo Osuna

ASPADO solidarity tournament at club Brezo Osuna

Registration is now open to participate in the ASPADO Charity Tournament to be held on May 7 at the Brezo Osuna sports club in Madrid. The test will be developed in male and female categories, and the funds raised will go to ...
ASPADO en la Maratón de Pádel del Día del Autismo

ASPADO in the Autism Day Paddle Marathon

A great day that we attended last Saturday, April 2, International Autism Day, at the Greenvilas club, where a Solidarity Paddle marathon was held in favor of the CEPRI School for children with autism and serious personality disorders. The...
ASPADO participará en Jornada Solidaria de Pádel de ANTARES

ASPADO will participate in the ANTARES Paddle Solidarity Day

Next Saturday, April 16, the ANTARES Association of Resources for People with Intellectual Disabilities, organizes a “Padel Solidarity Day” in Ciudad de la Raqueta, in which some ASPADO students will take part. La Jornada, which has the ...
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