Curso de monitores de pádel adaptado

Adapted paddle tennis instructors course

Registrations are open for the XV Adapted Paddle Tennis Monitors Course organized by the Paddle for Everyone Association (ASPADO) and which will take place from September 25 to 27 at the Valdebernardo Sports Center in Madrid. Almost 400 professionals have already ...
Exitosa Jornada de Pádel Inclusivo

Successful Day of Inclusive Paddle

The 1st VSC Inclusive Paddle Conference was held with great success, jointly organized by Valdebebas Sport Club and Mastertennis & Paddel Academy, with the technical participation of the player-monitor Óscar Agea and ASPADO. The day began with an introduction to ...
La OID y su constante apoyo a ASPADO

The OID and its constant support to ASPADO

The Disability Promotion Organization (OID) offers the possibility to thousands of people with some type of disability to start the world of work and have a stability that, in turn, serves to be able to live with dignity with a fair wage and for. ..
Torneo a beneficio de ASPADO en Blue Padel Rivas

Tournament for the benefit of ASPADO in Blue Padel Rivas

If you want to play and play, this is a tournament. ASPADO organizes 4 express tournaments in 1, during the weekend from September 4 to 6 at the facilities of the Blue Padel Rivas club. The absolute champions of the female and male categories will have a ...
Torneo benéfico en Mijas con wild card para el World Padel Tour

Charity tournament in Mijas with wild card for the World Padel Tour

If you like paddle tennis and want to play with the best, from July 9 to 12 you have an appointment at the Raquetas de Mijas club. For the benefit of ASPADO, a Solidarity Tournament is held and the winners of the main categories will obtain a wild card to participate in the ...
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