Alto nivel de participación en el primer torneo benéfico Bankinter

High level of participation in the first Bankinter charity tournament

With the participation of 120 couples, the “I Bankinter Charity Tournament” began today at the facilities of the CDO Covaresa S XXI club and whose benefits will be donated to ASPADOCyL, the delegation of the Pádel Para Todos Association in Castilla y León. Sponsored by the ...
Primer Torneo Solidario Bankinter en favor de ASPADOCyL

First Bankinter Solidarity Tournament in favor of ASPADOCyL

Next Friday, January 2, the deadline to register for the “I Bankinter Charity Tournament” expires, which will take place from January 7 to 17 at the CDO Covaresa S XXI club and whose benefits will be donated to ASPADOCyL, the delegation of the Padel Association For Everyone in ...
Premiados Aspado Master World Padel Tour 2014

Awarded Aspado Master World Padel Tour 2014

ASPADO is the solidarity partner of WorldPadel Tour. Together, the Association and the professional circuit, work for the promotion of paddle tennis and for the construction of a more just and egalitarian society. Thanks to the agreement signed between WorldPadel Tour and Aspado, for a second ...
ASPADO en el Estrella Damm Masters Finals de Madrid

ASPADO at the Estrella Damm Masters Finals in Madrid

ASPADO is the solidarity partner of WorldPadel Tour. Together, the Association and the professional circuit, work for the promotion of paddle tennis and for the construction of a more just and egalitarian society. Thanks to the agreement signed between WorldPadel Tour and Aspado, for a second ...
Sorteo en San Fernando

Draw in San Fernando

The holder of the number 10803 has won the "Solidarity Pack" of the raffle that the Pádel Para Todos Association (ASPADO) held last Saturday in the final of the Estrella Damm San Fernando Open that was held in the pavilion of the Bahía Sur sports city. The possessor ...
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