ASPADO finalista en «V Premios Solidaridad en el Deporte»

ASPADO finalist in "V Solidarity in Sports Awards"

ASPADO received the award as a finalist in the "V Solidarity in Sports Awards", which the Sports, Culture and Development Association, with the support of the Higher Sports Council and under the presidency of SAS, Princess Nora of Liechtenstein, awards each year. East...

Successful premiere of the International Padel Hall

  From ASPADO (Association Pádel para Todos) we want to thank the organizers of the first International Padel Hall for having let us be part of this great success. Initiatives like this are what allow the growth of this sport. For...
ASPADO en la V Copa Castilla y León de Pádel

ASPADO in the V Castilla y León Paddle Cup

The Association Pádel Para Todos (ASPADO) will participate in the V CUP CASTILLA Y LEON DE PADEL that will be held this Saturday, May 31 in Valladolid, organized by the Padel Federation of Castilla y León. The schools of Valladolid of the Association Pádel Para Todos -...
ASPADO es nuevamente la acción social de World Padel Tour

ASPADO is once again the social action of World Padel Tour

World Padel Tour renews its support for the Padel Para Todos Association (ASPADO) which will once again be the social cause of the professional circuit during this 2014 season, when it is ten years since its creation. The Association, chaired by María de la Rocha, ...
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