Change of schedules in ASPADO Central schools
Some of the ASPADO Central schools have modified their class schedules. They can consult them through this web page by entering the Delegation section and clicking on the Community that they wish to consult. The Madrid schools that have suffered ...
ASPADO will raffle 4 rackets at Padel Pro Show 2015
The Association Pádel para Todos (ASPADO) is the social action of Padel Pro Show, the largest padel fair in the world that begins tomorrow Thursday in the Cristal pavilion of the Casa de Campo in Madrid. Attendees will be able to take as a gift the shovel of four of the best ...
ASPADO's work on resilience in adapted paddle monitors will be exhibited at the Paddle Congress in Granada
The study "Resilience in Adapted Padel Trainers", carried out by ASPADO and the UAM Department of Psychology, has been selected to be exhibited at the "I National Padel Research Congress" to be held in Granada on 5 and 6th of ...
ASPADO social action of "Padel Pro Show"
ASPADO, the Pádel para Todos Association, will be the social action of the II Padel Industrial Hall “Pádel Pro Show” that will be held in Madrid from March 5 to 8 in the Cristal pavilion of the Casa de Campo. After the great success of the first edition, this year the ...